MS Excel for beginners
In this post I will show you how to use basic Math functions and formulas in excel:
Like Sum, Product, average, min, max and some math operators.
In this video I will introduce you to the concept of logical functions
And also to the most popular logical function in Excel. The function IF.
I will show you what this function does, and how to use it.
In this post I will show you how to use the logical functions AND, and OR.
And how you can combine them with the function IF for a more robust logical function.
If you are not familiar with the function IF , I recommend watching my video “the Function If” to get the basics before watching this video.
There will be times that you will need to count things in your spreadsheet.
For this Excel offers several solutions with the functions:
In this video I will show you what these functions do, and how to use them.
In this video i will show you how to set printing areas, adjust pages and finally how to print in Excel
In this post i will introduce you to Excel charts, what are they, what are the elements and what kind of charts are available to you.
In this post i will show you how to create a basic chart and how to give it basic format.
Chart are very useful to show in a graphical way critical information to your audience for better understanding, better questions and make informed decisions
In this video i will show you how to sort different types of content in Excel.
The sorting tool allows you to sort by date, number, alphabetic order and more.
In this video I will show you how the filter tool works and some basic analysis you can do.
In this video I will show you how to use the Basic Text functions like:
Concat, Left, Mid, Right, Find and Search.
In this video I will show you how to use the Basic date-time functions like:
Today, Now, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Date.
In this video we will explore the information functions, like:
These functions let you check the status of a cell and its content, they are normally used in combination with the logical functions, especially with the function IF creating a nested function.