Excel functions
Most Used
The Function Min allows you to find the smallest value from a selected range of Cells
The Function Max allows you to find the largest value from a selected range of Cells
The function SUM returns the value of the addition of all the numbers contained in the argument
The function COUNT returns the count of cells containing numbers from a selected range.
The function Average returns the arithmetic mean from a range of cells.
The function IF allows you to make logical comparisons between cells or between a cell and an expected value
The function SUMIF returns the value of the addition of the cells from a selected range that meet a specific criterion.
The function wrapcols takes a range of cells and place them into a 2-dimensional array by column.
The function Wraprows take a range of cells and place them into a 2-dimensional array by row.
The function Transpose converts a horizontal range of cells to a vertical range, or vice versa.
The function small returns the value of the specified location from a range of cells when sorted from smallest to largest, starting at 1 for the smallest.
The function Large returns the value of the specified location from a range of cells when sorted from largest to smallest, starting at 1 for the largest.
The function frequency calculates how many times a value occurs within a range of values and returns the result in a vertical array.
The function ToRow returns a range of cells as a single row. You can decide scanning by row or by column.
The function ToCol returns a range of cells as a single column. You can decide scanning by row or by column.
The function indirect returns the reference specified by a text string, or a reference to a cell that contains a text string.
The function Unique returns the unique values from a range of cells.
The function filter can be use to dynamically filter a range of cells.
The function Vstack allows you to dynamically combine two or more tables into one.
The function Hstack allows you to dynamically combine two or more tables or columns into one horizontal array
The function switch evaluates an expression against a list of values and returns the corresponding matching value.
The function XLOOKUP allows you to lookup a specific value from a range and returns the corresponding item from a second range.
The function MATCH searches for a specified item in a range of cells and then returns the relative position of that item in the range
The function XMATCH searches for a specified item in a range of cells and then returns the relative position of that item in the range.
The function FIND locates one text string within a second text string, and returns the number of the starting position from the second text string
The function SEARCH locates one text string within a second text string, and returns the number of the starting position in the second text string.
The function EXACT compares two text strings and returns TRUE if they are exactly the same, and FALSE if they are not.
The function PROPER converts a text string to the proper case, First letter to upper case and all others to lower case.
The function UPPER converts a text string to all uppercase letters.
The function Textjoin helps to concatenate a list or range of strings using a delimiter.
The function LEN returns the number of characters contained in a text string.
The function VALUE converts a text string that represents a number to an actual number.
The function LOWER converts a text string to all lowercase letters.
The function Rept repeats a text string a given number of times in the selected cell.
The function TRIM removes all spaces from a text string except for single spaces between words.
The function replace is used to replace part of a text string with a different text string.
The function Textbefore returns the text string that is before the delimiter character defined.
The function TEXTAFTER returns the text string that is after the delimiter character defined.
The CONCAT function combines the text from multiple cells, ranges and/or text strings, without delimiters.
The function ISFORMULA checks whether a cell contains a formula or not
The function ISNUMBER checks whether a value in a cell is a number or not
The function ISTEXT checks whether a value in a cell is text or not
The function AND returns TRUE if all conditions in the argument are true
The function OR returns TRUE if at least one condition in the argument is true
The function IF allows you to make logical comparisons between cells or between a cell and an expected value
The function Ifs Checks whether one or more conditions are met and returns a value corresponding to the first TRUE condition.
The function ISBLANK checks whether a cell is an empty cell or not
The function ISLOGICAL checks weather value in a cell is a logical value
The function ISERROR checks whether a value in a cell is an error or not, and returns TRUE if it is an error or FALSE if not.
The function NOT is a logical function that changes a TRUE value to FALSE, and FALSE value to TRUE.
The function IFNA returns the value you specify if the nested formula resolves to #N/A, otherwise returns the result of the formula.
The Function Min allows you to find the smallest value from a selected range of Cells
The Function Max allows you to find the largest value from a selected range of Cells
The function COUNT returns the count of cells containing numbers from a selected range.
The function Average returns the arithmetic mean from a range of cells.
The function MAXIFs finds the largest value from a range of cells that meet an specific criteria from a separate range.
The function MODE returns the value that repeats the most from a group of values.
The function MEDIAN returns the middle value from a group of values when are sorted in ascended way.
The function MINIFs finds the smallest value from a range of cells that meet an specific criteria from a separate range.
The function COUNTBLANK returns the count of cells that are empty from a selected range.
The function COUNTIF returns the count of cells from a selected range that meet a specific criterion.