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Excel Functions
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Tutorials playlist
Excel Functions
Excel Solutions and tips
Contact Me
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Excel for beginners playlist
Introduction to MS Excel
MS Excel: How the Ribbon works
MS Excel: How to insert data and edit existing data
MS Excel: Basic Format, How to use borders
MS Excel: Basic format, Background color, row-column size
MS Excel: Basic format, Font type, size, style and alignment
MS Excel: Adding rows and columns
MS Excel: how to combine cells
MS Excel: Copy, Cut and Paste tools
MS Excel: Formulas and functions
MS Excel: Cell References
MS Excel: Number Formatting
MS Excel: Basic Math functions
MS Excel: The logical function IF
MS Excel: The logical functions “AND” & “OR”
MS Excel: The function COUNT
MS Excel: Printing in Excel, for Windows
MS Excel: Introducing Excel Charts
MS Excel: Create a basic Chart
MS Excel: Sorting data
MS Excel: Filter data
MS Excel: Basic Text Functions
MS Excel: Basic Date-time functions
MS Excel: Basic Information Functions
MS Excel: Freeze panes and split tool